Merry Christmas!

At first I thought making the new Mustang into a notchback would be easy. I had done that several times to the previous Mustang. But I ended up having to change almost every body panel. I shortened the rear overhang by about six inches—probably not doable in the real car but it just helps the proportions so much! I also added a strake to the center of the car. I don't think the Mustang's long-lived styling cue of the side scallop with "vent" trim is really strong enough on the new model. By adding a simple horizontal door rub strip, I've evoked that cue without changing any sheetmetal at all. The angle of the C-pillar is important, too. I did several versions before settling on this one, which I think works with the shortened, lower body really well.

I'd like to thank each and every reader of casey/artandcolour this year and wish you all happy holidays, a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year. I may have a New Year's "card" that day, too, lol. Peace and love, everyone!